Seshet is an Egyptian goddess of writing, learning, and knowledge. For example, the Egyptian god Thoth is the scribe of the gods, lord of writing, master of papyrus, lord of divine words, lord of books, master of the power of speech, and the author of the Book of the Dead. You can dedicate your personal workbook to your favorite god or goddess. In the event the book should fall into enemy hands, they would not be able to decode and interpret the contents of the magical book. Personal spellbooks are often written in a secret language to guard the teachings recorded by the witch. Use whatever term is most pleasing to you! Some traditions of witchcraft call their workbook a book of shadows, spellbook, grimoire, journal, or book of illumination. This personal journal serves as a great repository for you to store your accumulated knowledge, success stories and ideas for future research. One of the most important books that should be in every witch’s library is their own magical workbook. MacGregor Mathers, The Key of Solomon the King

“And I composed a certain work wherein I rehearsed the secret of secrets, in which I have preserved them hidden, and I have also therein concealed all secrets whatsoever of magical arts of any masters…” -S.