If(window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)'). Lets learn more about how to enable and disable dark mode in Chrome on different operating systems and devices like Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone. Check if the dark-mode Media-Query matches (Windows support is on the way, the release. To check if the Media-Query is true, the matches property can be used // Check to see if Media-Queries are supported Chrome 73 has officially rolled out to all users today, bringing with it several new improvements, including the long-awaited dark mode for macOS. The CSS rule, like min-height, min-width, orientation, etc.

Value of the matchMedia() method can be any of the media features of Representing the results of the specified CSS media query string. The window.matchMedia() method returns a MediaQueryList object The thing is in incognito mode, toolbar displays incognito profile icon with incognito text, wherein dark mode, profile icon appears without any label.You can check the CSS Media-Queries directly with JavaScript Google has built dark mode on top of the Incognito theme, so you can easily get confused between dark mode and incognito mode. Tip: Find out Chrome is in dark mode or incognito mode You need to manually remove the switch added and apply changes the shortcut. defaults write NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool YES Restart Chrome (Cmd+Q) for the changes to take effect. Paste the following command in the terminal and hit enter. The most popular feature of macOS 10. When Chrome 74 published, then dark mode was rolling out, some users enabled dark mode in Chrome by running it with a command line switch.īut now the feature is available, if the flag still exits in Target field, there is no way Chrome will automatically appear light on Windows 10 for you now even if you change app mode to light. How to Disable Dark mode in Chrome on Mac Use Spotlight Search to open Terminal.

Update May 03, 2019: It is possible to Disable dark mode in Chrome only, but not for Windows 10 You asked for it, Chromium team provided the dark mode for Chrome on Mac OS Mojave and Windows 10, if you don’t’ want it you need to make changes to theme settings in Windows, but not to Chrome. Activeer dark mode voor Chrome op Windows 10. If you’ve set default app mode to dark on Windows 10, Chrome respects that and stays on dark forever unless and until you change the app mode to light. In the worst case, uninstall Chrome, scrub its folders, and reinstall from scratch. Google has released Chrome 74 with Dark mode support for Windows and is now available. Try to: set the system theme to dark, start and stop Chrome, and then set to light, to see if this makes a difference.